This first was taken only minutes after she came into the world while she was on the table being worked on by the NICU team while they were getting the tainted amniotic fluid out of her lungs and stomach. They were incredibly fast and efficient and were so kind as to let Dad stand in while they worked on her. That's my hand with my "space suit" overall sleeve showing. Thank goodness that's the most of that outfit that ever saw the camera lens.
Here is the first bath done during the check-in to the nursery. This is probably the maddest she has gotten yet, which is saying a lot since she's already had to deal with me changing her diapers and making a muck of everything.
It's all hairbows and pink from here on out. This is what happens when the neo-natal nurses in the nursery get the chance to actually play with hair on a newborn. At this point, the two most common comments upon seeing Samantha for the first time are: She is SO cute! Look at all that hair!
Apparently, hair quantity is directly proportional to cuteness.
This is one that I just had to put in for all who really know Stacie. At the time of the pic, she has been in her recovery room for 20 minutes, about an hour after surgery. She's had Samantha sitting next to her for 3min, and yet texting the news to the world was the thing that she felt needed doing at the time. Samantha honey, welcome to our world.
She's beautiful! Love all the hair. Congratulations to all three of you!
Mike, Ashlyn, and Avery Hurst
Samantha has a beautiful head of hair! Congratulations on everything new you are experiencing and will experience for a while to come! We love you, and hope to chat soon! God Bless You...the Honeys
What a beautiful baby! Congratulations, great work Stacie!!! Enjoy being new parents!
Gab Hubbard
You are awesome Stacy! Good job on all the labor and hardships. You guys have a beautiful baby!
Vicente and April
STacie!! It's so good to see you on here!! What a beautiful baby girl!! i'm so glad everything turned out ok!! We miss you!
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