Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Change of View

When I originally started playing with the idea of starting a blog, I originally thought it would become an outlet for ideas I have on technology and such. My personal interests as it were. But here, the first post is a post detailing the newest change in my life, and I must say, I'm glad of the change in focus.

A lot of new feelings have been floating around in me all day - the biggest being overwhelmed. Yet even for all the difficulties surround the initial labor and for the difficulties that have presented themselves at the end of the first day, I find that I am re-balancing. Life has become a constantly changing thing for me these last few weeks and now that the final (so far as we know) piece has fallen into place, I find everyday a new and scary effort in trying to find the right balance.

For everyone who has already experienced something similar, I await your treasured advice. This has been such an roller-coaster ride of emotions, but I'm happy to say that I will be sleeping very well tonight knowing that all that extra energy will go towards creating a life for the three of us. Next stop... who knows? I doubt children ever stop so there may be no more stops to come. ;)

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